Alara Group is committed to youth!

As a growing company, ALARA Group decided to commit to the youth by supporting the
government « 1 jeune, 1 solution » (“1 youth = 1 solution”).

We all know that the current context has had a strong impact on the living conditions of young people.
It has become difficult for them to project themselves into an uncertain future and many have seen their professional projects turned upside down by the health crisis.

That is why we are proud to have been able to provide concrete solutions by offering employment opportunities to young people.

By the end of the first quarter of 2021, we have recruited 9 young people on permanent contracts through this scheme.

At Alara Group, the human being and the collective are central to the life of the company. The profiles and backgrounds of our employees are diverse, but we all share the same values and vision.
If the group is growing, it is thanks to its team of passionate people! A real daily dynamism, ambitious projects and prospects of evolution for all…

We are always looking for new talent!

Do you want to be part of a meaningful adventure in the health sector, learn every day and choose a team that is like you?

You too, join our team!

Don’t hesitate any longer, go here:

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