
Click here for webinars hosted by our team of experts. Missed an episode? Don't panic, if you want to (re)watch them, contact us to get the replay links of your choice!

Sharing our know-how and expertise

Every 2 months or so, our team organizes a webinar to keep you up to date with the latest developments in radiation protection, our services, regulations, etc., as well as the latest news from the Group.

Don’t hesitate to follow us on the networks to keep up to date with upcoming webinar topics, get the link to take part in the presentation and ask your questions live!

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Please fill in this form: a link will be emailed to you to access the live webinar or the replay of your choice!

Our webinars are recorded and broadcast to those who request them. More information on RGPD compliance in our privacy policy.

Our latest webinars

October 10, 2023

In 1 hour, discover :
▸ An all-in-one tool essential for regulatory quality control and/or acceptance of X-ray equipment
A solution designed for you: protecting your staff, eco-friendly and economical

September 22, 2023

In 1 hour, discover :
How to recognize side effects – early and late – on the patient during radiotherapy.
How to personalizetreatment according to the degree of individual radiosensitivity, thanks to predictive tests

October 10, 2023

In 1 hour, :
▸ RAYFLEX and its benefits for optimizing and controlling radiation protection in your facility
A presentation of the new features in the latest version

September 22, 2023

What is the role of the facility’s MRI safety manager?
▸ Discover: the role of the MRI safety referent.
Current regulatory requirements for managing risks related to electromagnetic fields

May 25, 2023

CRP outsourcing: a topic presented by Thomas Jarny, with feedback from Mr. Seiter, Director of the Tivoli Ducos clinic (Bordeaux).
▸ How do I get started? What kind of support? What are the benefits?

March 10, 2023

Radiation protection for patients, workers and quality assurance: undesirable events in medical imaging.
▸ How do you manage them? How do you raise team awareness? How do you fit into your quality management system? Bonus: we’ll show you real-life case studies.

December 7, 2022

[En collaboration avec la Société Marocaine de Radiologie] Radiation protection for patients, workers and quality assurance: undesirable events in medical imaging.
▸ How do you manage them? How do you raise team awareness? How do you fit into your quality management system? Bonus: we’ll show you real-life case studies.

November 25, 2022

Magnetoprotection of workers and patients: what role for the facility’s MRI safety officer?
▸ Discover in 1h : the role of the MRI safety officer; current regulatory obligations in terms of electromagnetic field risk management.
A little extra: We offer you an overview of the issues in the field and the solutions offered by Spin Up to help you manage risks to workers and patients.

October 4, 2022

Discover our two patient dose monitoring solutions that can be integrated into your facility’s risk management system:
▸ Meet your medical physics regulatory obligations (NRD, NRL, EPP). ▸ Participate in the radiovigilance process. ▸ Participating in the quality assurance process in imaging (2019-DC-0660) And more!

Let's talk together!

Distribution, R&D, clinical tests…
Contact us!

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Spin Up, une société Alara group

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une nouvelle installation radiologique soumise à enregistrement, que prévoir ?

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