[NEWS] I-Nov competition of innovation and excellence: Fibermetrix wins!

Our teams are proud to announce that Fibermetrix is the winner of the i-Nov competition of excellence in the Health - Innovative Medical Devices theme!

I-Nov: An ambitious and recurrent call for projects

This competition of excellence is dedicated to innovative projects led by startups and SMEs and aims to promote the emergence of companies leaders in their field with the ambition of a global scale.

This call for projects aims to identify and support projects proposing significant technological and eco-responsible innovations in terms of products or services, through financing, labelling or enhanced communication, with a view to a more sustainable society. or service, through financing, labelling or even enhanced communication, with a view to a more sustainable society.

A project with great potential for French technological development

The project presented by Fibermetrix was selected for its particularly strong potential for the French economy within the framework of France 2030, an investment plan aimed at developing industrial and technological competitiveness.

Thanks to this action, the group will be able to benefit from financing for its research, development and innovation projects.

For our teams, this is a fine mark of recognition of the quality of our research and our developments already carried out and to come, in the service of patients and medical teams in cancerology!

Our goal To combine our patented technology based on scintillating fibers with an intelligent web application to secure and improve the accuracy of radiotherapy treatments.

Want to know more about our connected dosimeters?
➡️ Go to https://fibermetrix.com

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